Minutes May 2024

Jun 4, 2024 | RR&BA, RRBA Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Avebury House

Tuesday, 28 May 2024


Committee Members: D. Duffy, R. Crawford, C. Carter. L. van Bruchem, G. Sole

Residents: C. Doig, E van Bruchem
Other: I. Singh, R. Skinner


R. Davidson, H. Guglietta, P. Cotter, J. Miller, B. Allen, S. Holbrough, C. Given, M. James, A. Button


  • Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Accepted L. Van Bruchem/ C. Carter

G. Sole was elected on to the committee on the motion of D. Duffy/ C. Carter.

  • Correspondence:

  • Finance:


Current account balance: $73,896.12

Funding Remaining

CCC Parks (Petrie Park)  $

DIA COGS (Wages and Operations) $

CCC 2023 (Wages Operations and Projects) $

Funding Applications underway 

DIA Petrie Park 

Funding Application complete:
DIA COGS–requested $9000


Money In



Money Out:

  • $2640 – April Contract payment – R. Crawford
  • $150 – Riverlution Hub Rent March (automatic monthly payment)
  • $471.50 – Speedy Signs (Richmond Village Sign)


The Tier 4 Report and the Reconciliation spreadsheet were both accepted and signed off

  • Updates on Current Working Groups:



  • Nicholls Street waiting on better weather. Dudley Street–drainage first. Road build start in Spring. 
  • Landscaping on Averill Street.


  • Matariki in the Zone– 29 June. Volunteers needed Tues 25 to erect lights in the garden. Kapa Haka groups organised. Have a working bee with White Room to work on our tree. 
  • Te Oraka Shirley Intermediate Liaison – $60,000 from Better Off Funding.
  • RCAN (Richmond Community Action Network) Meeting – next meeting 11 June at Delta Community Support Trust
  • Design and Website Maintenance – Pixel Space. Contract was discussed and a decision held over as further options are being explored.



  • Petrie Park  – Work together with the Urban Forest Team on consultation and planting event(s). Report made to Community Board (23 May), Funding situations, Report accepted from Bridgit/Hayley


  • Swanns Rd/ Stanmore Rd Parklet– David Hollander provided Richmond historical information, display boards being laid out. Costing approved for display boards currently being prepared.

  • Adopt-a-Planter Stanmore Rd – H. Guglietta requested planter boxes in front of Richmond Club to be removed by CCC. R. Crawford to ask shopkeepers to maintain nearby boxes.




  • Richmond Village Sign – Final signoff enacted.

  • Council Update:

  • S. Holbrough –
    Next Community Board meeting is at the Multicultural Centre Multicultural Recreation and Community Centre, 455 Hagley Avenue Thursday 13 June at 4:00pm




  • Developing community issues of safety and begging.

Alcohol free ban discussed. A case is being prepared to present to Council at the Community Board meeting on June 13. This will include a petition, maps, justification, and community comment. 


  • The future of We Are Richmond – First discussion on the 1st Draft, some changes made. Second draft prepared for publication to committee for further action.  


  • Capacity Builder Contract – Discussed and agreed. A motion to roll the contract over 1 March-31 August 2024. It was moved that we approve the current contract: L. van Bruchem/ C. Carter

Job description and proposals to come into effect 1 September when contract is renewed were circulated for comment.


  • Avon-Otakaro Network Updates and Riverlution Updates – H. Guglietta furnished a report. 

  • Action Points:

  1. Crawford: Charities Services Annual Return–due before 30 September 2024

M.James: North Avon Road weeding

D.Duffy/R.Crawford: to set up mail merge system ready to send out revised membership forms in


R.Crawford: progress on design and website contract

D.Duffy: Prepare article re We are Richmond membership for RCN – July issue.

  1. van Bruchem: Living Streets Sign followup
  2. Guglietta: Report on Petrie Park, Avon-Otakaro Network Updates and Riverlution Updates. Community 
  3. Crawford: Petrie Park: Work with Urban Forest Team on consultation and planning planting event(s)
  4. van Bruchem: Edit Tier 4 Report
  5. Crawford: Charities Services Annual Return


Meeting concluded at 9pm


Next meeting to be held Tuesday 25 June, 7-9pm, Avebury House