Minutes April 2019

Apr 24, 2019 | RRBA Meeting Minutes

Hello Everyone,

Please find attached a copy of the minutes from our meeting held last night.
One or two points to note:
Please report any fly tipping (illegal dumping of rubbish) in the area to the Council as soon as you see it. They generally react very quickly and have it cleaned up within a couple of days.
Road speed survey – we have had a limited response to this and are unable to make a case for a reduction in the speed limit on our streets. However, if you have a strong opinion one way or the other please let us know.
Our annual general meeting is set for Tuesday 25 June and we are very keen to attract new members to our committee to help share the load for the current association committee members.
Please take time to consider whether you could make the commitment to join us in endeavouring to make our suburb a better place.
David Duffy.
Richmond Residents and Business Association.

Minutes for the meeting

held at Avebury House Tuesday 23 April, 7.30 pm


Present: David Duffy (secretary), Murray James (treasurer).
Committee Members: Greg Partridge, Vicki Ware.
Council Representatives: Bruce Coleman
Residents: Gillian Sheard, Evan Smith, Don Gould (8)

In the absense of H.Guiglietta, the meeting was chaired by M/James.

Apologies: Hayley Guiglietta, Craig Given, Angela Hart. Jenny Dalziel

Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and correct record. (V.Ware/M.James)

Matters Arising: Any matters arising were included in the business below.

Financial Report:

The treasurer, Murray James, reported no financial activity since the last meeting.

There was some discussion regarding the grants from the City Council Community Boards and why they differed between boards. B.Coleman explained the approach taken by the two Boards when the grants were allocated.



  • An email had been received from a group named Richmonds of the World based in Virginia, U.S.A. offering support after the events in Richmond and Christchurch. Their project offering funding of a large sign promoting ‘peace’ was to involve S.B.H.S. as well. S.B.H.S. will not be participating and it was decided to hand this correspondence on to the Riverlution Group for their consideration. The secretary was asked to contact Richmonds of the World to let them know of our decision.
  • An email was received from Angela Robertson regarding the replacement of dead trees in the the recently planted areas along Dudley Creek and the maintenance of the existing plants. B.Coleman advised that the City Council Urban Park Ranger should be the point of contact for clarification of the issues raised. This will be followed up by the secretary.

Outwards :

  • An email was sent to  Peter Burley inviting him to attend this meeting – no reply was received. (NB – it appears that Mr Burley’s draft report about community amenities will be received by the Council in late April. The release date is as yet, unknown.)


  • Community flytipping problems – the meeting was informed that this a problem being experienced all over the city. Dumped rubbish is cleaned up relatively quickly once it is reported – residents are urged to report any incidents through the “Snap, Send, Solve’ app as soon as they are seen.
  • EEE – Equal Education in the East – Purpose etc —   the following report was tabled by H.Guiglietta: Flyer has started to go out asking people to sign the petition again for our suburb to be a permanent part of the shirley boys and avonside girls zone. Link to Petition https://www.change.org/p/ministry-of-education-make-the-transitional-zone-part-of-aghs-sbhs-permanent-zone-for-the-sake-of-equity?fbclid=IwAR1mtsWgn4ywXg_nm9_XjftINwpIBZ59StfOXrDUzqxNnReCxzuStMU4Kqo  The meeting approved H.Guiglietta including a link to the petition in a mailchimp document currently being prepared.
  • Avebury Gala 31 March 2019 – Review – the Gala was a great success with over 100 stalls and vendors and 1000+  visitors.
  • HNZ Update – The meeting was informed of the release of the plans for the Alexandra St HNZ complex. The importance of maintaining a working relationship with HNZ was stressed particularly with respect to any proposed developments on the Stanmore Rd/Sorensens Place block.
  • Enliven Spaces Project report – tabled by H.Guiglietta:
    I have met with a local artist who is going to do the sculpture down the alleyway, Christine Lane (C.C.C.) has contacted me to confirm that it might be easier for us to work through her on some of these projects than through the Enliven team. The Enliven team have advised that they have diverted money to something else and that there was only $5000 left.
    Further developments were left in the hands of Hayley.
    It was suggested that the Community Boards be informed about the lack of progress made with the Enliven Spaces group in the proposals surrounding various projects within the Richmond area.
  • Proposal to City Council to review community amenities in Richmond – a proposal prepared by the secretary was discussed. There was a general acceptance of the concept but it was thought that funding should be sought from an independent body eg. Rotary to finance the project. An Independent facilitator could incur expenses up to $2,000. The idea of have all stakeholders around the same table at the same time appealed to those at the meeting. Further work is to be done on the proposal and it will be brought back to the next meeting. Peter Burley’s report may also be available by then (28 May)
  • iCan update – another meeting is pending and a date is soon to be confirmed. Greg Patridge reported a number of breaches by the Developers during the Easter holiday break. These have been reported to Council.
  • Road traffic speed limit survey insufficient response had been received to further progress the presentation of reducing the speed limit on designated streets in the Richmond area. The responses were evenly divided between maintaining the status quo and reducing the limit to 40 k.p.h.
  • Richmond Village – Vicki Ware answered a query regarding plantings in the footpath area at Richmond Village. Planting had been completed and as much progress as possible had been achieved.

General Business

The date for the Association’s annual general meeting was set for Tuesday, 25 June

A request to the meeting asked for more ‘open forum’ meetings where residents could present ideas, etc

The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

Next meeting – 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, 28th May, at Avebury House