Committee Member Hayley Guglietta Receives Civic Award

Mar 19, 2024 | RR&BA

  • In December last year, We are Richmond Committee Member and extremely active community activator Hayley Guglietta was nominated for a Civic Award.  We can’t think of anyone more deserving of this Civic Award.
We are Richmond/ Richmond Residents’ and Business Association owes so much to Hayley. Her unrelenting drive and 1000’s of volunteer hours across many projects and initiatives have made our Richmond community, the East Side, and the city in general better places. She has been our chairperson and is still on our committee 5 years later, as well as so many other initiatives–Richmond Community Garden, Riverlution, Ōtākaro Orchard, Urban Farm, Avon Ōtākaro Network, and more!
Her can-do attitude gets things done. Rather than spending energy complaining, her attitude is to find something positive that can be done instead. The fruits of her labour are all around us. Thank you Hayley. We look forward to helping make more of your visions come alive in the future!

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