Minutes AGM July 2024

Aug 12, 2024 | RR&BA, RRBA Meeting Minutes

Annual General Meeting 

Avebury House 9 Eveleyn Couzins Avenue

Tuesday, 23 July, 2024


  1. Welcome


  1. Apologies: S. Gautam, A. Christophorou, C. Doig, R. Davidson, M. Williams, R. Skinner, J. McLellan, P. Cotter, K. Latimer, B. Allen- all apologies were accepted


Committee Members: D. Duffy (Chairperson), M. James (Treasurer), R. Crawford (Secretary), H. Guglietta, G. Sole, L. van Bruchem, C. Carter, C. Given,
Council Representatives: J. Miller (Central Community Board)
Residents: H. Macdonald, N. Sole, A. Button, K. Palmer, A. Greening, A. Given, V. Harris, K. Taylor, L. Tiebosch, R. Crawford, D. Lang, E. van Bruchem


  1. Confirmation of the minutes from the 2023 meeting these were confirmed on the motion of M.James/H. Guglietta.


  1. Report from the Chair Mr.D.Duffy, presented his report for the 2023/2024 year.

This was accepted on the motion of D. Duffy/ H. Guglietta. There were no issues arising.


  1. Treasurer’s Report H. Guglietta presented the financial report for the year ended 31 March, 2024.

The report was accepted on the motion of H. Guglietta/ M. James. 

  1. Election of Officers:
  • Chair- M. James (H. Guglietta/ L. van Bruchem)
  • Secretary- L. van Bruchem (H. Guglietta/ M. James)
  • Treasurer- H. Guglietta (R.Crawford/ M.James)
  • Committee Members – the current committee members: C.Carter, C.Given, G. Sole, and R. Crawford were re-elected.
    New Committee members were elected: N. Hughes, A. Button, E. van Bruchem.


  1. General Business. There were no items of general business.


The chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting was closed at 7:55 p.m. 


The meeting was followed by a Special General Meeting. 


Agenda: To adopt the revised constitution of the society to be known as “We Are Richmond”.


Next General Meeting will be held Tuesday, 28 August 7pm at Avebury House