Petrie / Stapletons / Randall St roadworks

Email update message from Mike Downs (contractor for this work) from Thursday May 9th 2019.
As always, any queries or concerns with this specific work please contact Mike directly or for general concerns via the Richmond residents and business association.
by Craig Given.
Hi Team,
We have approval to reconstruct the last block of Randall Street from Stapletons Rd to Petrie St which will commence on Monday (13th May), weather permitting. I did a letterbox drop for this today (copy attached) advising that we will be closing this block of Randall Street including the Petrie / Randall St intersection from Monday 13th May until we seal these roads in July. Residents will still have access and detours will be clearly signed via Stapletons Rd and Chrystal St.
Also letting you know that the construction work on Chrystal St will be finished by early next week with sealing and asphalting likely to be later next week due to the rain forecast for Sunday & Monday – photos attached.
The planting on Randall St is progressing well – see attached photos. Trees will also be planted will also in Petrie Street early next week.
Kind Regards,
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