Petrie Street Repair Update Week 15

Aug 29, 2022 | Roading in Richmond

The aim of the following week will be the final touch-ups of the Western side whilst we carry on preparing the footpath and driveway crossings on the Eastern side. We will also be installing the new storm water connections and planting of trees and shrubs along the eastern side.

Pedestrians will remain on the new footpath on the East side.

As always, if you have any concerns about parking, deliveries you may be expecting, or access/egress issues please see our STMS. Our STMS is the team member in the Green Hi-Vis. He or she will address any of to your concerns

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Zero Data–Essential websites you can browse Data-Free!

Zero Data–Essential websites you can browse Data-Free!

Did you know you can access multiple governmental, school and other essential websites even if you’re out of mobile data? All you need is a device connected to the Spark, Skinny, One NZ, 2degrees, Warehouse Mobile, Slingshot or Orcon mobile networks. The purpose of...

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