Petrie Street Repair Update Week 8

Jul 12, 2022 | Roading in Richmond

As most residents on our street are aware we had anticipated changing our traffic management arrangement this week to help shorten our programme of works. Unfortunately other traffic arrangements in the area has meant we need to put this approach on hold for another week or two. Nevertheless, we will continue to advance the watermain to Randall. Planning to be at the close to the end of Petrie by Friday and getting ready for the extensions into North Avon Road.


We are anticipating finishing the westside kerb and channel which would be a milestone for the project. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the impending weather does not cause too much disruption.  


As Always, If you have any concerns about parking, deliveries you may be expecting or access/egress issues please see our STMS. Our STMS is the team member in the Green Hi-Vis. He or she will address any of to your concerns

Take a look at what is happening around Richmond

Spring Fair 2023 Was a Success!

Spring Fair 2023 Was a Success!

The RRBA had a fabulous day helping run the Spring Fair alongside Avebury House and Richmond Community Garden. They helped activate the children’s play area and also interacted with the public at their infomation stall.

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