Roadworks Update for Nicholls Street 27

You might see that there are bits of works happening along the new Hydroseeded berm section along Nicholls Street. We have ZM contracting, our subcontractor, boxing up the 9×5 inspection box for concrete pouring which will be done this week.
There will also be a full road closure of Dudley Street this week Wednesday (7/08/24) from 11am – 5.30pm as we will be having concrete pouring for Beams at both Slater Street & Stapletons Road Junction also at Nicholls & Dudley Junction. (Letter drop will be done)
05/08/24 – 09/08/24 (Mon- Fri)
•Nicholls Street is open to residents with two lanes. Residents can enter/exit from North Avon Road. Both side of footpath are live now.
•Dudley Street will be completely closed from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM and will return to one-way traffic after 5:30 PM. We will try our best to accommodate residents on Dudley Street.
If you need daytime access, please approach from Nicholls Street, where a full-time Traffic Controller will be available to assist you.
•Footpath prepping on the North side between Nicholls Street and Stapletons Road
•Stormwater Laterals on the North side between Slater Street & Stapletons Road
•Beam construction at: Dudley & Slater Street Junction, Dudley & Stapletons Road Junction also at Nicholls & Dudley Street Junction
•Reshaping of the Berm on the South side between Slater Street & Stapletons Road.
•Footpath on the South side is open to residents
Site contact person:
Kane Radcliffe, Site supervisor, M:021 830 670

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