Chada Traditional Thai Massage
Chada Traditional Thai Massage
Nacha and Cookie decided that they wanted help revitalise the economic heart of Richmond by setting up their Traditional Thai Massage studio.
Both were born and trained in Thailand, Nacha then grew up in Germany and Cookie went on to do further training here and in Melbourne. They have both settled near by in Richmond and Dallington so they really are local.
On their days off they love to walk in the Red Zone and Cookie likes to spend time with her girls who are 2 and 4 years old.
They are excited to liven up our community and want people to get a great experience and help to improve peoples general health and wellbeing.
Keep an eye out on their Facebook page for their monthly specials.
We went for a traditional Thai massage recently to test it out and it was fantastic, get along and support Nacha and Cookie when you can.
Second Community Painting Event at Vogel Street Alleyway a Success
We Are Richmond team encourages local families to get their artist on for a second time
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 8
As most residents on our street are aware we had anticipated changing our traffic management arrangement this week to help shorten our programme of works. Unfortunately other traffic arrangements in the area has meant we need to put this approach on hold for another...
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 7
Main aim for week 7 is to allow the watermain advance towards Randall. Having lost one day to rain last week we are anticipating laying the new pipe up to property No.32. The watermain is welded into “strings” each 36m long. We will endeavour to keep them from your...