Cultivate comes to Richmond

Jul 27, 2020 | Active Richmond, Healthy Richmond, RR&BA

Letter from Fiona

PO BOX 1156 Christchurch Central 8041 

Dear Neighbour, 

Cultivate Christchurch is proud to announce the signing of the lease for the Residential Redzone space within the boundaries of Glade Ave, River Road and Swanns Road. This is a letter to let you know who we are, our plans and how we would like to work with the vibrant Richmond community. 

Who are we Cultivate Christchurch is a social enterprise. We employ young people who are on the benefit and provide holistic wellbeing support. To support this we grow organic produce to sell to locals, restaurants and cafes which helps fund the organisation. 

Why we do what we do We are passionate about positive youth development supporting young people to live lives they value in a safe and nurturing community. We believe this happens together connecting with the community and the land. We are also passionate about creating biodiverse resilient natural systems and opportunities for a healthy lifestyle. 

The concept for the land: Together with the community we would like to build a vibrant, productive, biodiverse, urban farm and native landscape that can be a long term hub of employment for youth and beyond organic food production. 

We understand: 

  • that this is a site with archeological significance 
  • that i t has a strong Mana Whenua and Ngai Tahu relationships that ties to the natural environment and Mahinga Kai, 
  • that there is potential soil contamination, we take food safety seriously and will be working with leading teams and supporting researchers so we support the remediation of the soil into a living, breathing healthy landscape that is safe to eat from. 


WE HAVE 3 phases and each are basic outlines that will be further detailed through consultation and engagement with the local community, iwi and after further ground analysis and soil remediation. 

Phase 1: Farm Planning 

  • Community and local Iwi engagement 
  • Archaeological assessment and Thermal imaging. 
  • Create a Site Activation Plan, based on the results from ground assessments, local Iwi and community engagement. 

Phase 2: Initiate Site Activation Plan & Create Detailed Project Plan 

  • Begin Remediation – Spring sowing of a Regenerative Meadow to breath live into the soil and increase biodiversity. 
  • In depth soil testing and evaluation. 
  • Confirm the final site design and a detailed project plan with estimated timelines. 

Phase 3: Project Execution Cultivate will begin to deliver on all activities as detailed in the project plan. It is likely this will happen mid 2021. It is expected the following activities will occur; 

Phase 3: Project Execution Cultivate will begin to deliver on all activities as detailed in the project plan. It is likely this will happen mid 2021. It is expected the following activities will occur; 

Phase 3: Project Execution Cultivate will begin to deliver on all activities as detailed in the project plan. It is likely this will happen mid 2021. It is expected the following activities will occur; 

Phase 3: Project Execution Cultivate will begin to deliver on all activities as detailed in the project plan. It is likely this will happen mid 2021. It is expected the following activities will occur; 

Phase 3: Project Execution Cultivate will begin to deliver on all activities as detailed in the project plan. It is likely this will happen mid 2021. It is expected the following activities will occur; 

Phase 3: Project Execution Cultivate will begin to deliver on all activities as detailed in the project plan. It is likely this will happen mid 2021. It is expected the following activities will occur; 

  • Farm Establishment, including power, irrigation, and other requirements (equipment, temporary buildings, etc) 
  • Farm Establishment, including power, irrigation, and other requirements (equipment, temporary buildings, etc) 
  • Farm Establishment, including power, irrigation, and other requirements (equipment, temporary buildings, etc) 
  • Landscaping of native pathways 

Following a ‘best case’ timeline, this phase will be completed by October 2020. 

  • Community and Iwi Engagement Following a ‘best case’ timeline, this phase will be completed late 2020, into early 2021. 
  • Creation of ‘home base for Cultivate activities. Following a ‘best case’ timeline, this phase will begin mid 2021. 
  • Creation of ‘home base for Cultivate activities. Following a ‘best case’ timeline, this phase will begin mid 2021. 

Throughout our current lease agreement we will be maintaining the trees, fences and collecting rubbish so please get in touch with us if you see a problem on site. We look forward to working with the Richmond community and please get in touch if you would like to be involved. 

Kind regards, 

Fiona Stewart and the Cultivate Team Co-founder and Managing Director.



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