Seed Bomb and Seed Packet-Making Workshop

Tamariki and residents of all ages had a fabulous morning coming together and making seed bombs and seed packets with the Richmond Community Garden in January.
We hand-mixed compost and other materials with seeds, and formed them into balls. The children then had a go at throwing them at homemade targets throughout the Richmond meadow!
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 14
Week 14 Aim of the this week's work will be working to complete the Western side of the street whilst we install the new kerbing and prepare for the new footpath on the Eastern side. We will also complete the installation of the new Stormwater pipes crossing the road....
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 12
The aim of the following week will be to complete the entire road excavation. Residents will be moved the West side of the street as we progress with the road construction on the East side. Last week the footpath contained too much moisture for Asphalt sealing, so we...
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 11
This week sees two important milestones. The connection of the water main on North Avon Road and commencing the road construction. The road construction is key to delivering the project on time so expect some additional resource to arrive to site to help with these...