Seed Bomb and Seed Packet-Making Workshop

Tamariki and residents of all ages had a fabulous morning coming together and making seed bombs and seed packets with the Richmond Community Garden in January.
We learned about beneficial flowers and plants for local bees and pollinators, and how to attract them to your yard, and make your neighborhood more welcoming to bees.
We hand-mixed compost and other materials with seeds, and formed them into balls. The children then had a go at throwing them at homemade targets throughout the Richmond meadow!
We also filled and labeled seed packets to donate to Shirley Library for their seed library, or to take home.
What to do with 10 Shirley Road?
Richmond Amenities – by David Duffey
Grow your own free Lunch
Learn beginner gardening and harvesting skills then create your own delicious shared lunch
Activities at Richmond Working Men’s Club
Did you know the Richmond Working Men’s club has a Pigeon club!?