Spring Fair 2023 Was a Success!
Thanks everyone for coming along to our Spring Fair!
It was a fantastic day for our community and visitors.
We are Richmond hosted the children’s area in Avebury Park during the huge event which included The Children’s Imagination Academy, Mobile Library Van from Christchurch City Libraries, Christchurch Envirokids (seed bombs, leaf imprint pendants, scavenger hunt), Stormwater Trailer by Christchurch Envirohub, Pareawa Banks Avenue School PTA raffle and sports game in the empty swimming pool and a golf game by the Golf Section of The Richmond Club. There also was candy floss, paintable cookies by By The Sugar Daddy.
Further up in the garden we talked to the community about the work we’ve been doing all year and residents could vote on what they’d like to see us focus on next year. The Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust joined us with their Elmer’s Ōtautahi Elephant Trail fundraising to move into our wider community in the future, Can Do Catering, and a representatives from Shirley Intermediate School discussed the future of the Shirley Intermediate Pool.
Thanks to all the organisations involved and especially to all the volunteers who helped out! We co-hosted this event along with Richmond Community Garden and Avebury House. Enjoy our photos of the We are Richmond play area and the Richmond Community Garden side. Avebury House and Vintage Market Avebury House also have their own photos!
Thanks to these organisations and more!:
Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust
Christchurch Envirokids
The Children’s Imagination Academy
Christchurch City Libraries
Christchurch Envirohub
Pareawa Banks Avenue School
Bee Awesome
Avon-Ōtākaro Network
Repair Riverlution
New Brighton Stitch-O-Mat
The Green Lab
New World Stanmore
Richmond Club, The Borough
Delta Community Support Trust
Petrie Park Mural Painting Event I
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Roadworks Update for Nicholls Street 27
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Matariki 2024 — A Day and Night of Connection
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