Minutes November 2020

Dec 7, 2020 | RRBA Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held at Avebury House, Tuesday, 24 November, 2020

Present: Committee: V.Brown, D.Duffy, C.Given, H.Guglietta, A.Hart, M.James, J.McBride, G.Partridge

Methodist Mission Housing: D.Kolien.

City Council: S.Holbrough 

Residents: S.Arrow, R.Crawford, V.Harris,  D.Isdale, L. Shore, R.Sutton, M. Whyman

Apologies: J.Hawkey

Guest Speaker: Mr.Ed Leeson from the Ōtautahi Social Housing Trust outlined the plans for the redevelopment of the housing units at Gowerton Place which had been damaged by the 2011 earthquakes. The buildings were to be comprised of 34 one-bedroom units, 1 each of a two-bed, three-bed and four-bed unit. The existing units were to be demolished by the end of the year and building would start on the new units in the new year.

This was followed by a general discussion during which the residents living in the proximity of the site expressed their thoughts about the inadequate consultation process, the effects the new buildings would have on privacy, the creation of shadowy areas, the impact on the neighbouring properties, the effect on the local service and commercial area and the possibility of flooding from of an unpredictable wetland area nearby. 

The meeting resolved to present these concerns in written form to the Ōtautahi Social Housing Trust

Minutes of the Previous Meeting – accepted: M.James/A.Hart

Correspondence received


  • C.C.C. re Cycle Safety Route planning
  • C.C.C. re reaction to Dudley Street tree report

Outwards: approved

Have Your Say Submissions

Financial matters: 

  • Natural Paint co. (2l feature paint) – $125.35
  • Maiden – flytipping clean up (less Light Bulb grant of $450) – $127.88 
    • These accounts were passed for payment: V.Ware/M.James

Council Reports: 

A summary of meeting dates and other events was presented. The meeting was also advised that the Council Ward boundaries were due for revision in 2021 and that we should start thinking about any boundary changes we might want to occur. 


    • Methodist Mission Social Housing Project update: Official opening is on December 11 (guest list to be confirmed); ongoing work is devoted to improving the entranceways; first tenants shifting in Dec 14-18, no response to letter supporting change in the resource consent as yet; planting will take place once the irrigation system has been installed.

  • Richmond Village Project Contract – discussions are continuing between the concerned parties.
  • Richmond Road Repair programme update – Warden Street will be fully open and works completed by the 4th of December. After that date, City Care will be cleaning up the compound, and completing any minor snag / uncompleted items. The last of the chip sealing was completed last week.  Line marking has been booked in for late this week. All Garden beds and trees have now been planted. The CCC is in the process of booking in a post construction safety audit that will happen either December or Jan. The project has a 12-month defects period that expires in November 2021. Guild Street: C. Given was still trying to broker a meeting of all parties to solve the access issues to Darryl McIntosh’s property in Guild Street. The draft plans for Warden St (no 102 to Shirley Rd) have been circulated to householders in that area. A.Hart raised some issues about the plans regarding road narrowing and landscaping, and these were to be raised at the next meeting of the roading team and the Council.


  • Green Lab projects the Wayfaring Project is well underway. The input from Greenlab has been disappointing and it was suggested that we take over the project. The present visual outcomes were regarded as mediocre. H.Guglietta and V.Ware to progress this further.
  • Planning for Future Submissions: with further submissions likely to be called for, particularly in the consultation phase of the 2021 LTP, it was decided to revisit submissions made in 2020 and to update them in readiness for the new year. These included: tree policy, cycle safety network, lowering of speed limits locally, social housing density and planning procedures, 10 Shirley Rd, Richmond road repair programme, items relating to the district plan, etc 
  • Tech Soup: there are some administrations issues to work through before this can be fully implemented.
  • Dudley Street trees: Christchurch City Council ResponseOur Christchurch City Council (CCC) project team are currently working through the options. The current view is that the Dudley Street trees will be retained and this has been supported by our Transport Management and council arborists.  The reason the trees will remain is that we wish to retain the amenity they provide.  The arborists have said that the Dudley Street trees have another 15-20 years of good life in them.

Our project team will be confirming the options before we share the preferred scheme.”

  • Cycle Safety Route progress: Two draft concepts have been prepared – the first is the minimum cost option that will get the route up and running with adequate pavement marking and signage and one or two other improvements – the second plan is an improved version of the first, with several locations being upgraded to improve the existing layouts but obviously at a higher cost. Route implementation needs to be considered alongside the street reconstructions when it comes to discretionary raising of levels of service along the route above option 1 which will provide an acceptable level of service route.
  • River Road Discussions: the R.R.B.A. had become aware of independent individual and group discussions with Council about the future of River Rd. The R.R.B.A. decided to facilitate a meeting for all interested groups and individuals to discuss with Council representatives. This meeting is to take place in late January. Representatives from the Dallington area will also be invited.
  • S.B.H.S. Gymnasium complex and ground maintenancethe grass needs cutting again and another approach to the Ministry of Education will be necessary.
  • Vagrancy: vagrants were reappearing at Richmond Village. Further attempts to contact their social workers were to be made to again resolve the problem.
  • Banks Avenue School site: further maintenance was required to keep the grass down to a manageable level. He secretary was asked to contact the Ministry to arrange for this to be done.


The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 26 at Avebury House; 7.00 p.m.