Petrie Park Mural Painting Event 2

Richmond Village Shopping Centre Pot Holes Fixed
After years of We are Richmond lobbying to get the Richmond Village Carpark restored to a usable standard, the potholes and damage have finally been patch-fixed by one of multiple landlords. Multiple residents and shoppers complained about the safety of this shopping...
Committee Member Hayley Guglietta Receives Civic Award
In December last year, We are Richmond Committee Member and extremely active community activator Hayley Guglietta was nominated for a Civic Award. We can't think of anyone more deserving of this Civic Award. We are Richmond/ Richmond Residents' and Business...
Roadworks Update for Stapletons Road (Warden St to Shirley Rd) 7
Stapletons Road (Warden St to Shirley Rd). COMPLETED Footpath preparation, ready for asphalt Road preparation. LOOK AHEAD Complete basecourse construction for the road Asphalt all footpaths and vehicle crossings. Begin installation of raised platform Chipseal of road...