Petrie Park Mural Painting Event 2
We had a great turnout at our second community mural painting session. So many kids, families, and others came along to have a go and we made some great progress on the mural panels.
We were excited to paint in-situ at Petrie Park this time since the weather was so nice, after having to paint indoors at our last session. After mixing the paint, then they could choose which panel they wanted to work on. There were colourful backgrounds to paint, detailed portions, and the more-tricky dogs of Petrie Park. We asked the users of Petrie Park to submit photos so that their dogs could be featured on the mural, as it’s a popular area with dogs. And we received over 20 photos of their dogs!
We’re working to convert the empty former Christchurch Richmond M.S.A. Bowling Club ground (demolished post-quake) into a beautiful, welcoming community park. Our next community painting session will be over the school holidays. Check here for the date of the next event and come along!
Thank you to Bridget Allen for the amazing mural design and all of your hard work. Thank you to Hayley Guglietta who not only was the visionary years ago, but has applied for all funding and is the committee member behind this project.
We hope to see you at the next session!
Cycle or walk the river
Jump on the Avon – Otakaro cycle/walkway and enjoy nature
Yoga At Avebury
Come down to Avebury House to enjoy yoga with Dakota.
Petrie / Stapletons / Randall St roadworks
An update on Richmond roading projects from contractor Mike Downs