Petrie Park Update December 2023

By Hayley Guglietta
The Petrie Park bowling club remediation is well and truly underway. We have completed the first round of soil testing which has indicated higher than normal levels of arsenic, especially around where the old bowling club shed used to be. High levels of arsenic were expected, given the chemicals used to maintain bowling greens across the country.
If you get a chance, pop on down to the southern half of Petrie Park and check out our progress. There are also signs dotted around the southern portion of the fence.
Roadworks Update for Nicholls Street 27
You might see that there are bits of works happening along the new Hydroseeded berm section along Nicholls Street. We have ZM contracting, our subcontractor, boxing up the 9x5 inspection box for concrete pouring which will be done this week. There will also be a full...
Matariki 2024 — A Day and Night of Connection
Matariki in the Zone was a wonderful day and evening out for our community. A big thank you to Avon-Ōtākaro Network Richmond Community Garden and Avebury House for running this every year! We are Richmond hopped on the bandwagon to help out more this year. So...
Roadworks Update for Nicholls Street 26
As you can see, new hydroseeding and nursery plants and trees have been planted on Nicholls Street. The greenery is making Nicholls Street look lovely, so let's protect it by avoiding stepping on it. With Dudley Street under road closure, we will assist with your...