Planting for the Future

Avon-Otakaro Network, Food Resilience Network and We are Richmond supported a high-energy, meaningful tree-planting event October 19th in Richmond. Over 360 Pareawa Banks Avenue students had a go at planting over 700 trees at the swale behind Pareawa Banks Avenue School and Shirley Intermediate School–what a day it was!
Avon-Otakaro Network Network Manager Hayley Guglietta spearheaded the event, whose aim is to attract more birds and wildlife to urban areas. Shirley Intermediate student representatives sang a moving waiata, then landscape ecologist Colin Meurk taught the children correct planting methods. Council Rangers and Community Waterways Partnership were on hand to help the students plant with varied digging tools.
The connection the children made with the earth and plants was beautiful. Even though the ground was dry from lack of rain, they never gave up digging, and were determined to plant the trees. Older students were partnered with younger students, and the atmosphere was buzzing. Everyone worked up quite an appetite!
We are Richmond supported the event and cooked a sausage sizzle to feed the large hungry crowd.
Thanks to support from Trees That Count for their donation of trees grown by Trees for Canterbury.
Roadworks Update for Nicholls Street 27
You might see that there are bits of works happening along the new Hydroseeded berm section along Nicholls Street. We have ZM contracting, our subcontractor, boxing up the 9x5 inspection box for concrete pouring which will be done this week. There will also be a full...
Matariki 2024 — A Day and Night of Connection
Matariki in the Zone was a wonderful day and evening out for our community. A big thank you to Avon-Ōtākaro Network Richmond Community Garden and Avebury House for running this every year! We are Richmond hopped on the bandwagon to help out more this year. So...
Roadworks Update for Nicholls Street 26
As you can see, new hydroseeding and nursery plants and trees have been planted on Nicholls Street. The greenery is making Nicholls Street look lovely, so let's protect it by avoiding stepping on it. With Dudley Street under road closure, we will assist with your...