Response to Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Statement to the Council

Aug 25, 2022 | RR&BA

In response to the public statements made about the RRBA’s lack of support for the Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock statement to the Council, this committee wishes to point out that the committee has already expressed its concerns about the implementation of the Amended Resource Consent Act to the Council and, in that submission, highlighted the negative effects of concentrated high density housing, the clearing of areas of existing vegetation and the loss of any heritage characteristics within the Richmond area.

Given the time frame that the committee had to work on reacting to the proposal by the Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock group and the unavailability of a full working committee at any one time to reach agreement on a reaction, and because we had already made our stance known, no further action was taken.

This has been misinterpreted as voting against the RBK submission.

This is not the case.

We will continue to keep ourselves and the community informed of circumstances as they develop in the months ahead.

Rather than debate this case and foreseeable developments on social media we respectfully request that residents should address their concerns by attending one of our monthly meetings or by writing directly to our secretary at

We Are Richmond