Averill Street and Stapletons Road Work Updates 2023/24

Roadworks Update for the northern Richmond area:
Isaac Construction Update on Progress in Averill Street:
Work is progressing well and it is hoped the major work on the Stapletons/Averill intersection will be finished by the end of this week. Work will then move to the Petrie/Averill intersection next week. Work on the Petrie/Averill intersection will be completed by 22 December.
Stapletons Road rebuild – Warden St to Shirley Road:
Residents in Stapletons Road and nearby including aged care centres, early childhood centres and schools can expect a mail drop from Corde explaining the timeline for the work to begin in this area of Richmond soon. Preliminary surveying work will be done before Christmas and the major reconstruction programme will begin on January 8. Up to date weekly programme schedules will be published on our Facebook site each week so that residents can make plans to cover access to properties during the road closure periods.

Averill Street and Stapletons Road Work Updates 2023/24

Take a look at what is happening around Richmond
Planting for the Future
Over 360 Pareawa Banks Avenue students and local organisations come together to plant trees for the future.
Rainwater Garden Planting Session on Stanmore Road
Rainwater Garden Brings Beauty to Busy Road
Mayoral Candidate/ Mural Painting Event a Success
We Are Richmond team encourages locals to meet political candidates and paint!
Avon Hub Now Open in Former Spartan Sport Hall
The Avon Hub held an open day 22 May to show the community the sport and meeting facilities now available.
Second Community Painting Event at Vogel Street Alleyway a Success
We Are Richmond team encourages local families to get their artist on for a second time
Families Brighten Up the Vogel Street Alleyway
We Are Richmond team encourages local families to get their artist on