Seed Bomb and Seed Packet-Making Workshop

Tamariki and residents of all ages had a fabulous morning coming together and making seed bombs and seed packets with the Richmond Community Garden in January.
We hand-mixed compost and other materials with seeds, and formed them into balls. The children then had a go at throwing them at homemade targets throughout the Richmond meadow!
Mayoral Candidate/ Mural Painting Event a Success
We Are Richmond team encourages locals to meet political candidates and paint!
2022 Annual AGM Agenda
NOTICE of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING RICHMOND RESIDENTS’ and BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 30 AUGUST, 7.00 p.m. at AVEBURY HOUSE MEETING AGENDA Welcome and roll call Apologies Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting Chairperson’s Report Financial Report Appointment of...
Response to Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Statement to the Council
In response to the public statements made about the RRBA's lack of support for the Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock statement to the Council, this committee wishes to point out that the committee has already expressed its concerns about the implementation of the Amended...