30km/hr Speed Reduction in Richmond–Safe Speed Neighbourhoods
Wondering why the speed limit changed to 30km per hour only in the northern part of Richmond?
We’ve checked in for you…The Richmond North area was delivered through the CRAF (Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility) programme.
The Richmond South area will be delivered in the future as part of the wider Safe Speed Neighbourhood rollout. So it will still be implemented in the future, but its delivery is on a different timeframe.
For more information about the Safe Speed Neighbourhood read here: https://ccc.govt.nz/…/travel…/travel-safety/safe-speeds
And here:
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 4
Week four sees us getting closer to the end of the street with the Stormwater drainage. The final 80 metres of this pipeline is reinforced concrete so this takes a bit longer as there’s some added detailing involved and concrete pouring around the pipe. Nevertheless,...
Chrystal Street Repair Update Planting
From Liam Cai, ISAAC Project Manager: Our landscaping contractor plans to complete the berm and hydroseed today on 2 August. However, due to the wet weather and saturated soil, we have to delay the tree planting when we assess the soil dampness. Currently we’ve...
Chrystal Street Repair Update Week 9
Please find the attached week 9 work plan and key dates and impact below. As we have completed the chipseal last week, 95% of the work is now completed. The remaining work is footpath, berm, landscaping and linemarking which will be completed over the next two to...