Chada Traditional Thai Massage

Oct 5, 2021 | Healthy Richmond

Chada Traditional Thai Massage

Nacha and Cookie decided that they wanted help revitalise the economic heart of Richmond by setting up their Traditional Thai Massage studio.

Both were born and trained in Thailand, Nacha then grew up in Germany and Cookie went on to do further training here and in Melbourne.  They have both settled near by in Richmond and Dallington so they really are local.

On their days off they love to walk in the Red Zone and Cookie likes to spend time with her girls who are 2 and 4 years old.

They are excited to liven up our community and want people to get a great experience and help to improve peoples general health and wellbeing.

Keep an eye out on their Facebook page for their monthly specials.

We went for a traditional Thai massage recently to test it out and it was fantastic, get along and support Nacha and Cookie when you can.


Petrie Street Repair Update Week 6

Petrie Street Repair Update Week 6

Firstly, I would like to thank the residents for their help and support during week 5 which allowed us to pour the first section of new kerb and channel. It’s always a day of significant disruption and the residents were very helpful and supportive during this...

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Chrystal Street Repair Update Week 9

Chrystal Street Repair Update Week 9

Please find the attached week 9 work plan and key dates and impact below. As we have completed the chipseal last week, 95% of the work is now completed. The remaining work is footpath, berm, landscaping and linemarking which will be completed over the next two to...

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Petrie Street Repair Update Week 4

Petrie Street Repair Update Week 4

Week four sees us getting closer to the end of the street with the Stormwater drainage. The final 80 metres of this pipeline is reinforced concrete so this takes a bit longer as there’s some added detailing involved and concrete pouring around the pipe. Nevertheless,...

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