Seed Bomb and Seed Packet-Making Workshop

Tamariki and residents of all ages had a fabulous morning coming together and making seed bombs and seed packets with the Richmond Community Garden in January.
We hand-mixed compost and other materials with seeds, and formed them into balls. The children then had a go at throwing them at homemade targets throughout the Richmond meadow!
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 17
Unfortunately, the footpath asphalt couldn’t get completed this week due to the moisture in the materials. We have reprogramed this for Monday--dependent on the weekend's weather. The aim of this week will be to finish the Eastern side and preparing the road for its...
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 16
The aim of this week will be to finish the Eastern side, and also planning for preparing the road for its final surface . Pedestrians will remain on the new footpath on the East side. As Always, if you have any concerns about parking, deliveries you may be expecting,...
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 15
The aim of the following week will be the final touch-ups of the Western side whilst we carry on preparing the footpath and driveway crossings on the Eastern side. We will also be installing the new storm water connections and planting of trees and shrubs along the...