Seed Bomb and Seed Packet-Making Workshop

Tamariki and residents of all ages had a fabulous morning coming together and making seed bombs and seed packets with the Richmond Community Garden in January.
We hand-mixed compost and other materials with seeds, and formed them into balls. The children then had a go at throwing them at homemade targets throughout the Richmond meadow!
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 8
As most residents on our street are aware we had anticipated changing our traffic management arrangement this week to help shorten our programme of works. Unfortunately other traffic arrangements in the area has meant we need to put this approach on hold for another...
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 7
Main aim for week 7 is to allow the watermain advance towards Randall. Having lost one day to rain last week we are anticipating laying the new pipe up to property No.32. The watermain is welded into “strings” each 36m long. We will endeavour to keep them from your...
Petrie Street Repair Update Week 6
Firstly, I would like to thank the residents for their help and support during week 5 which allowed us to pour the first section of new kerb and channel. It’s always a day of significant disruption and the residents were very helpful and supportive during this...