Swanns Road Parklet Working Bee Part 2
Volunteers from Conservation Volunteers New Zealand Richmond Community Garden We are Richmond, along with the CCC Red Zone Rangers came to help plant out the Swanns Rd Parklet to be an amazing learning garden and forest in the future. Rob Cruickshank from the University of Canterbury also came to record the invertebrate wildlife (bugs!) and teach us about them, and will continue to monitor their changes with all of these new plants growing.
It’s hard to see at eye level when you are at the corner of Swanns Rd and River Rd…walk up to the signposts and have a look!!!
Meeting 28 February at Pareawa Banks Avenue School
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE RICHMOND RESIDENTS' and BUSINESS ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD AT PAREAWA BANKS AVENUE SCHOOL on TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY at 7.00 PM. There will be a short general meeting to hear activity reports and address any business matters. Commencing at 7.30...
Richmond Roading Update 2023
The representatives of the Richmond Residents and Business Association met recently with the Transport and Roading Group at the Christchurch City Council and we are now able to pass on the following information.................. UPDATE ON IMPROVING THE RICHMOND...
Petrie Park Community BBQ & Engagement Session
The Richmond community gathered at a bbq at Petrie Park to spend time together but also engage on what they would like to see on the former bowling green at the southern half of the park.