Swanns Road Parklet Working Bee Part 1
Yesterday We are Richmond co-hosted a working bee at the Swanns Rd Parklet (corner River Rd/Swanns Rd) along with Richmond Community Garden, Avon-Ōtākaro Network, University of Canterbury and the CCC Red Zone Rangers.
Volunteers planted so many plants, dug paths and gravel, made paths, and UC learned about the insects’ biodiversity. It will have a wildlife learning garden and edibles too!
Safe Speed Neighbourhoods Submission
The implementation of the new speed limits would fit well with the current traffic improvement initiatives in Richmond.
Planting for the Future
Over 360 Pareawa Banks Avenue students and local organisations come together to plant trees for the future.
Rainwater Garden Planting Session on Stanmore Road
Rainwater Garden Brings Beauty to Busy Road