Families Brighten Up the Vogel Street Alleyway

On 28 May, families from the Richmond community and beyond gathered in the alleyway between Evelyn Couzins Avenue and Vogel Street to brighten the corrugated iron fence with garden insects. This event was run by We are Richmond. Children of all ages and their families took to the brush to paint butterflies, bees, lady birds, dragonflies, and other garden creations.
The weather was fine and it was a great chance for members of the community to gather together and create something beautiful on a fence that make the area feel more inviting. It was the first time painting for the youngest painter in attendance, much to her and her mum’s delight. There were also painters in high school and plenty of ages in between.
There will be another painting session in the future to add grass to the bottom of the mural, and also add any additional insects to fill spaces.
We are Richmond (RRBA–Richmond Residents and Business Association) runs events like this to bring the community together to get to know each other, and also to beautify the suburb, and create spaces residents are happy to spend time in. If you know of an area that would benefit from beautifying, or needs some attention, please get in touch with We are Richmond.
Thanks to the Richmond Community Garden and the Riverlution Eco Hub for co-sponsoring this event.
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